Raw data in SPSS and syntax codes for SAS for THC in oral fluid: A rapid review and meta-analysis

Published: 17 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bw4xyw6zzj.1
Scott Macdonald


Data in SPSS and syntax codes for SAS for the article: "THC in oral fluid: A rapid review and meta-analysis."


Steps to reproduce

The SPSS data file includes raw data on THC OF concentration levels from seven studies. For the study by Niedbala et al. (2001) THC concentrations from the left and right cheeks were averaged. In the SAS codes, they are then multiplied by 3 to account for dilute samples in this study. Some of the predictor variables have been recoded, consistent with procedures outlined in our article: 'Concentration levels of THC in oral fluid at different time points after use: A rapid review and individual participant meta-analysis." For any questions regarding the use of this data users should email Jinhui Zhao at zhaoj@uvic.ca.


University of Victoria


Epidemiology, Meta-Analysis
