Data for: Income and Factor Substitution: An Investigation on the Solow Growth Model under the Constant Elasticity of Substitution
This document includes dataset and codes used in the paper "Income and Factor Substitution: An Investigation on the Solow Growth Model under the Constant Elasticity of Substitution". We use two data files: 1-) data_cross is for the cross sectional analysis 2-) data_panel is for the panel data analysis. There are six different stata command text files. 1-) code_cross_6085 replicates cross sectional analysis reported in Table B1 (panel a). 2-) code_cross_6095 is for cross sectional analysis reported in Table B1 (panel b). 3-) code_cross_6010 produces results for cross sectional analysis over the period 1960-2010, which is not reported in the main text. 4-) code_panel_6085 replicates the results reported in Tables B2 and B3 (panel a). 5-) code_panel_6095 produces the results reported in Tables B2 and B3 (panel b). 6-) code_panel_6010 is for panel data analysis reported in Table B4 (panels a, b, c and d). All these stata codes also produce unrestricted model results of Eqs. (8-15) and unrestricted and restricted versions of Solow-CD equations.