Data for: New insights into the fluvial geomorphology and its effects on paleofloods in the Black Hills, South Dakota.

Published: 6 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bxp7p4rc8r.1
Kyle Hazelwood


Items include a zipped file geodatabase (.gdb format) for use with ArcGIS suite version 10.0 and several tab delaminated data sheets that include all point values exported from ArcGIS features for use in plotting software. The file geodatabase contains all raster and vector (polygon, polyline, and point) data that was attained, produced, processed or otherwise used in “New insights into the fluvial geomorphology and its effects on paleofloods in the Black Hills, South Dakota” (Hazelwood and Stetler, 2018). All data required to reproduce the work reported in the manuscript is included. Metadata can be found in item descriptions of each feature or raster within the geodatabase. The geographic extent of all included features fall within the following boundary coordinates: West -104.835035 East -102.940650 North - 45.017392 South - 43.233064 (GCS NAD 1983), covering most of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. The data were all generated for a fluvial analysis of the Rapid Creek, Box Elder Creek, and Spring Creek watersheds within the Black Hills. All data are stored or reported in NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_13N projection with units of meters. Tab delaminated data sheets include all data used to generate the plots in the associated manuscript. This data is freely distributed for public use and or noncommercial purposes with the inclusion of citation and full metadata. Compiled in October, 2018 for public sharing. No warranty is made as to its accuracy or fitness for a given purpose. Data are released on the condition that neither the Contributor nor South Dakota School of Mines and Technology may be held liable for any damages resulting from its use.



Fluvial Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution
