Data from a systematic review of problems and solution about the interaction of visually impaired users in collaborative systems

Published: 13 December 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bxtbf422dp.1
Rodrigo Prestes Machado


- ScopusSearchString.docx: is a file with the the search strings used to find paper in Scopus data base - PaperScopus.xlsx: is a file are the results os each search, so in the last tab, you can analyze the final set of papers


Steps to reproduce

1 - Follow the Strings in ScopusSearchString.docx to achieve the set of the papers 2 - Filter the papers with problems and solution about the interaction of visually impaired users in collaborative systems.


Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Porto Alegre


Systematic Review
