Experimental videos in scrutinizing multiphase shock flood wave over different downstream initial conditions

Published: 11 May 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/bxx79583b6.2


Experimental videos: Herein, 111 distinct video files have been presented which related to dam-break multiphase flood shock wave experiments, performed in the Shiraz University, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department’s Hydraulic Lab (Shiraz, Iran). A clear water reservoir (without sediment) as well as 2 different sediment depths (0.03 and 0.075 m) were considered as initial upstream conditions to investigate multiphase flash flood characteristics. These 3 initial upstream conditions make the upstream reservoir 0% to 25% deposited with sedimentation (with respect to the total 30 cm height of the reservoir). Six different initial downstream conditions have also been considered. Semi-circular obstacles (‘humps’) of two different cross-sections (0.045 m or 0.075 m) were stiffly fixed to the bottom of the flume’s downstream bed and further fixed to the sides of the flume using rubber bands, 1 m downstream from the gate (dam). Dam-break scenarios in the smooth downstream bed (no obstacle) were used to acquire a basis of comparison for other downstream conditions. Additionally, wet-bed downstream conditions with three different standing water initial heights (0.02, 0.04 and 0.5 m) were considered as initial downstream conditions to investigate multiphase flash flood characteristics. Considering three cameras which covered length of the flume, 18 different dam break scenarios and 2 or 3 repetitions conducted for each test, a total of 111 videos collected from 37 distinct experiments which presented in this document. The additional explanations related to video files can be seen in “Explanation table of videos” file which attached to this document in Microsoft Word (DOCX/DOC) format.



Shiraz University


Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Multiphase Flow, Dam Engineering, Shock Wave
