DNA barcode sequences and images of subimago, exuvia, and egg of a spiny crawler mayfly Drunella trispina (Uéno, 1928)

Published: 28 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bxxm6zvf49.1
Mikio Kato


Species name: Drunella trispina (Uéno, 1928) (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae) Specimen voucher: OPU_BS_2022-159-KM-EP Sampling site: Japan: Wakayama, Hashimoto, 34°15'56.5"N 135°38'35.9"E Date of collection: 21-May-2022, emerged on 25-May-2022 Collected by: Mikio Kato Reared to emerge by: Mikio Kato Identified by: Kei Wakimura DNA sequence data: INSD accession numbers OP018496 (cox1, partial coding sequence) and OP851721 (18S rRNA gene, partial sequence) Image 1: Dorsal view of subimago and exuvia Image 2: Ventral view of subimago and exuvia Image 3: Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image of the egg obtained by Shin-ichi Ishiwata using a model JSM-6010LA (JEOL) after coating with gold by an ion coater MP-19020NCTR (JEOL).



DNA, Ephemeroptera, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Insect Egg
