Contamination of the shore of the Southeast Baltic (Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia) with the debris of geosynthetic materials for the period 2018 - 2020

Published: 27 January 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/bxzt2fr4hg.2


The database gives information on the contamination of the shore of the Southeast Baltic with the debris of geosynthetic materials for the period 2018 - 2020. (ERANET-RUS_Plus joint project EI-GEO, ID 212 (RFBR 18-55-76002 ERA_a, BMBF 01DJ18005) Fragments of geosynthetic materials (not smaller than 1 cm) were collected during continuous visual scanning assumed a continuous passage along the entire coastline by a group of three observers. The preparation of the secondary data and presentation of the dataset were organised within the theme 0128-2021-0012 of the State Assignment of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The first file [1 List_geosynthetic_debris_SEB.pdf] contains information about types of geosynthetic material debris found on the shore of the Kaliningrad Oblast (Russian, South-East Baltic) during field surveys in the 2018 - 2020. The second folder [2 Monitoring_geosynthetic_debris_SEB] describes the data on the contamination of the beach strip with geosynthetic debris for the period 2018-2020 in MS Excel format (*.xlsx) and in CSV format (*.csv) for each year separately. The third file [3 Scales_geosynthetic_debris_SEB.pdf] demonstrates the statistical distributions of the found geosynthetic debris by spatial size. The fourth file [4 Monitoring Poland and Lithuania.pdf] contains information about the types of geosynthetic material debris found on the Polish and Lithuanian coasts adjacent to Kaliningrad Oblast (South-East Baltic) during field surveys in May-June 2019.



Atlanticeskoe otdelenie Instituta okeanologii imeni P P Sirsova RAN, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


Earth Sciences, Ecology
