A synthetic 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data set across a realistic sedimentary model
This data set includes a 3D modeled ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection data set as well as the underlying realistic sedimentary model. We provide a 3D porosity model showing heterogeneities down to the sub-facies scale. We have inferred this model from the publicly available 3D Herten hydrofacies model ('Realization 1' in Supplementary Material of Comunian et al., 2011; see related links down below) and the associated porosity values and ranges (Bayer et al., 2011; see related links down below). Details on the generation of our porosity model are found in the associated article. We deliver our unprocessed 3D GPR reflection data set modeled using gprMax (Warren et al., 2016; see related links down below) across the entire model surface assuming fresh-water saturated sediments. Details on the transformation of the porosity model into electrical parameter fields used as input for GPR modeling as well as information on the GPR modeling procedure are found in the associated article. Additionally, we provide basic code to read and visualize the provided data in MATLAB and python. The Readme-file comprises detailed descriptions of the data files and formats and step-by-step instructions on code usage and ParaView visualization.
Steps to reproduce
Reading and visualization options for the provided data files are described in the Readme-file. For details regarding the porosity model generation and the GPR modeling procedure, we refer to the associated article.