Classification of TE evolutionary dynamics

Published: 12 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bycpd2tcxw.1
tongtong zhang


We conducted an analysis of the breakpoints of nonautonomous copies and determined the number of nonautonomous copies with breakpoints occurring at the same position or within a 50-bp vicinity to account for issues such as alignment uncertainty. Nonautonomous elements with at least three copies at the same position were defined as a MITE. For active DNA TEs, the distribution of MITEs could be classified into three scenarios or models: the majority of nonautonomous copies are MITEs; TEs lack MITEs, and the nonautonomous copies demonstrate random internal deletions, leading to length heterogeneity; and in a hybrid scenario, one or more MITEs are present, but the majority exhibit random deletions.



Evolutionary Biology, Transposon
