Environmental and seawater chemistry parameters of temperature-controlled bivalve aquaculture experiments and the resulting geochemical compositions of the shells
Published: 20 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bywms32stn.1
, , , , , , , , , , , , Description
This dataset contains seawater parameters used in a 80-day bivalve culturing experiment. The seawater parameters include: seawater temperatures, salinity, free pH and total alkalinity, aragonite saturation states (Ω), δ18OSW and Element/Ca. In addition, major and minor element compositions as well as the stable isotope compositions of the grown shell portions are included together with carbonate reference material measurements.
Australian National University
Geochemistry, Aquaculture, Bivalvia, Biomineral, Seawater Analysis, Oxygen Isotope, Stable Isotope