Patient Safety Culture
A study to determine the patient safety culture levels of those working in the operating room environment. The Turkish version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) was administered to nurses, anesthesia technicians, assistant physicians, and specialist physicians working in the Operating Rooms (n=258) of two university hospitals in Konya, a large city in Anatolian region of Turkey. HSOPSC includes 42 items (12 dimensions). Eighteen of the 42 items belonging to 12 dimensions were worded negatively. Survey item was measured on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree and never to always). The options "disagree" and "strongly disagree" were coded as 0, and the options "agree" and "strongly agree" were coded as 1. In addition, participants were asked to rate the area in which they worked in terms of patient safety and to indicate how many events they had reported in the last 12 months. In the last part of the survey, 5 questions were asked to the participants to provide background information about themselves. Average percent positive response to the 42 items was low (41%, n=258). While there was no change in one dimension of the questionnaire compared to 2008; there was a positive change in 8 dimensions and a negative change in 3 dimensions. All 12 dimensions were lower than the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality score.