EDX Analysis to quantify atoms deposition
The EDX test is important for calculating the elements deposited onto the surface. The results of EDX analysis are taken from different temperature parameters, then they will be compared between the use of low and high temperatures preheating. Also, samples using the preheating will be compared with samples that do not use the preheating. During the EDX measurement, different areas were focused and the corresponding peaks are shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis to quantify the deposition of atoms on the surface. (a) Sample S4, (b) Sample S1, (c) Sample S2, (d) Sample S3. (M: martensite, MC: metal carbide).
Steps to reproduce
The expected results are the percentage of element content deposited in the surface area will be detected by EDX. SEM-EDX type used is JEOL - JSM-6510LA under a voltage of 20 kV and a working distance of 16mm used to quantify atoms on the surface. The sample dimensions for EDX analysis can be seen in Figure 3b.