Data for: Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in three tributaries of Chesapeake Bay: Detecting responses following nutrient reductions

Published: 15 September 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/bzzthwgpdj.2
Qian Zhang


This data archive contains the monitoring data for nutrient bioassays and water-quality parameters collected at six tidal monitoring locations in three major tributaries to Chesapeake Bay, namely, the Choptank, Patuxent, and Potomac Rivers. These data sets can be found in the first folder “1. Monitoring Data”. The second folder “2. Model Code” contains R scripts for developing the classification and regression tree (CART) models to relate the water-quality monitoring data to the nutrient bioassays at each tributary station. These scripts have been applied to all six tidal monitoring stations. For the purpose of demonstration, this data archive shows the workflow and saves R workspaces and output files for one example station, which is ET5.2 (Lower Choptank River near Route 50 Bridge at Cambridge, Maryland). The data and scripts archived here are also those used in the following publication: Zhang, Q., T. R. Fisher, C. Buchanan, A. B. Gustafson, R. R. Karrh, R. R. Murphy, J. M. Testa, R. Tian and P. J. Tango, 2022. Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in three tributaries of Chesapeake Bay: Detecting responses following nutrient reductions. Water Research, 119099, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119099.



Nutrient, Bioassay, Water Quality, Chesapeake Bay
