Two progeny trials were set up in December 2014 in the city of Aracruz, ES, Brazil, one of Corymbia maculata and the other of Corymbia torelliana. These trials were replicated in the city of Três Lagoas, MS, Brazil. The four trials were measured at 29 months of age. An incomplete block design (all treatments do not occur within the same block) was chosen to evaluete diameter at breast height and Height of 64 half-sib progenies of Corymbia maculata and 65 half-sib progenies of Corymbia torelliana.
Steps to reproduce
Diameter at breast height (DBH) at 1.30 meters above ground level, in centimeters, and tree height (Height), in meters, were measured at 29 months old. The DBH was calculeted from the cicumference ate breast height, which was measured using a flexible, graduated tape and Height was measure using a Vertex hypsometer.