ATP-driven separation of liquid phase condensates in bacteria
Datasets from "ATP-driven separation of liquid phase condensates in bacteria" by Guilhas et al. Fig1_PALM_XYloc_Clusterized.mat Matlab file with localizations coordinates for each cluster. Units are in pixels with 1 pixel = 105nm. Fig1_clusterImages.tiff Clusters images (PALM density rendering). Output file generated with an output Pixel size of 2nm and a localization precision of 20nm. Fig2_ParB_Diff_Coeff_WT.mat Description: List of diffusion coefficients for histogram in Figure 2B Fig2E_FRAP_data.tsv Description: File containing data from Figure 2E. Columns: Time after photobleaching (min), Relative intensity Condensate 1, Relative intensity Condensate 2, standard deviation of relative intensity Condensate 1, standard deviation of relative intensity Condensate 2. Fig2F_fastImagingFusion.tiff Description: Time-lapse imaging of ParB-GFP at 50ms exposure rates. Fig3_ParB_Diff_Coeff_ParSmut.mat Description: List of diffusion coefficients for histogram in Figure 3C. Fig4D_ParBGFP_ParAnodegron.avi Description: Time-lapse imaging of ParB-GFP under conditions in which ParA was not degraded. Fig4E_ParBGFP_ParAdegron.avi Description: Time-lapse imaging of ParB-GFP under conditions in which ParA was degraded using a degron tag. Fig4G_WTraw.tif Description: Raw image of wildtype ParB-GFP (strain 234). Fig4G_WTanalyzed.mat Description: List of number of ParB-GFP detected per cell (wild-type strain 234). Fig4G_ParAK120Qraw.tif Description: Raw image of ParB-GFP in the mutant strain 277 (ParAK120Q). Fig4G_ParAK120Qanalyzed.mat Description: List of number of ParB-GFP detected per cell for the mutant strain 277 (ParAK120Q).