Cyanidin 3-glucoside targets a hepatic bilirubin transporter in rats

Published: 2 December 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/c3k9s4jw6j.2


Data associated to the article "Cyanidin 3-glucoside targets a hepatic bilirubin transporter in rats". We investigates the pharmacology of bilirubin uptake in the liver of the female Wistar rat to improve basic knowledge in this neglected area of liver physiology. We treated isolated perfused livers of female rats with repeated single-pass, albumin-free bilirubin boli. We monitored both bilirubin and bilirubin glucuronide in perfusion effluent with a bio-fluorometric assay. We tested the ability of nine molecules known as substrates or inhibitors of sinusoidal membrane transporters to inhibit hepatic uptake of bilirubin. We found that cyanidin 3-glucoside and malvidin 3-glucoside were the only molecules that inhibited bilirubin uptake. The SLCO-specific substrates estradiol-17 beta-glucuronide, pravastatin, and taurocholate inhibited only bilirubin glucuronide uptake. Cyanidin 3-glucoside and taurocholate acted at physiological concentrations. The SLC22-specific substrates indomethacin and ketoprofen were inactive. We demonstrated the existence of a bilirubin-glucuronide transporter inhibited by bilirubin, a fact reported only once in the literature. The data suggest that bilirubin and bilirubin glucuronide are transported to the liver via pharmacologically distinct membrane transport pathways. Some dietary anthocyanins may physiologically modulate the uptake of bilirubin into the liver.


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce these data, refer to "Protocol for the study of hepatic bilirubin uptake in the isolated perfused rat liver", by M. Stebel, N. Medic, P. Pelizzo, P. Sist, F. Tramer, S. Passamonti, 2021. Available in Protocol Exchange. Go to:


Kmetijski institut Slovenije, Fondazione Edmund Mach Centro Ricerca e Innovazione, Universita degli Studi di Trieste Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita


Pharmacology, Liver Biochemistry, Organic Anion Transporter, Membrane Transport Proteins, Transporter Based Drug Screening


Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS

Research Programme no. P4-0133

AdriAquaNet project, Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020

ID 10045161

Provincia Autonoma di Trento

ADP 2021

Agrotur II project, Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020

ID 1473843258
