Data for: Drivers of Holocene Palsa Distribution in North America

Published: 6 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c3vy5sw4zt.1
Richard Fewster,


Dataset contains supplementary data for the article "Drivers of Holocene palsa distribution in North America" by Fewster et al. Specifically, Dataset S1 contains the catalogue of modern palsas and peat plateaus in North America used to fit our binary logistic regression model; Dataset S2 contains modern climate data extracted from the CRU TS 4.02 climatology for each grid cell in our study area and also presents the presence/absence of peat, the timing of deglaciation, peat initiation, and terrestrial drainage; Dataset S3 contains the palaeoclimate data extracted from equilibrium-type HadCM3 simulations and used to simulate past distributions of the climate envelope; Dataset S4 contains the peatland basal date catalogue used to constrain timings of peat initation in North America; and Dataset S5 contains the Spearman's Rank correlation matrix for each variable included in our final model.



Geography, Climate
