Data for: Deciphering multiple episodes of partial melting, metasomatic and remelting processes in the Eastern Pyrenean orogenic mantle massif: implications for the longevity of global subcontinental lithospheric mantle

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c4nb42zfzx.1
Yujian Wang, Jingao Liu


This excel file contains five worksheet, comprising Whole-rock major and trace element concentrations of the Fontête Rouge lherzolites (Table S1), Major element composition of minerals in the Fontête Rouge lherzolites (Table S2), Trace elements of pyroxenes in the Fontête Rouge lherzolites (Table S3), Whole-rock highly siderophile element concentrations and Re-Os isotopic compositions of the Fontête Rouge lherzolites (Table S4), and Equilibrium temperature estimates of the Fontête Rouge lherzolites using various thermometers (Table S5).



Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry
