Data Retention Period Disclosures in Privacy Policies
115 privacy policies from the OPP-115 corpus have been re-annotated with the specific data retention periods disclosed, aligned with the GDPR requirements disclosed in Art. 13 (2)(b). Those retention periods have been categorized into the following 6 distinct cases: C0: No data retention period is indicated in the privacy policy/segment. C1: A specific data retention period is indicated (e.g., days, weeks, months...). C2: Indicate that the data will be stored indefinitely. C3: A criterion is determined during which a defined period during which the data will be stored can be understood (e.g., as long as the user has an active account). C4: It is indicated that personal data will be stored for an unspecified period, for fraud prevention, legal or security reasons. C5: It is indicated that personal data will be stored for an unspecified period, for purposes other than fraud prevention, legal, or security. Note: If the privacy policy or segment accounts for more than one case, the case with the highest value was annotated (e.g., if case C2 and case C4 apply, C4 is annotated). Then, the ground truth dataset served as validation for our proposed ChatGPT-based method, the results of which have also been included in this dataset. Columns description: - policy_id: ID of the policy in the OPP-115 dataset - policy_name: Domain of the privacy policy - policy_text: Privacy policy collected at the time of OPP-115 dataset creation - info_type_value: Type of personal data to which data retention refers - retention_period: Period of retention annotated by OPP-115 annotators - actual_case: Our annotated case ranging from C0-C5 - GPT_case: ChatGPT classification of the case identified in the segment - actual_Comply_GDPR: Boolean denoting True if they apparently comply with GDPR (cases C1-C5) or False if not (case C0) - GPT_Comply_GDPR: Boolean denoting True if they apparently comply with GDPR (cases C1-C5) or False if not (case C0) - paragraphs_retention_period: List containing the paragraphs annotated as Data Retention by OPP-115 annotators and our red text describing the relevant information used for our annotation decision
Steps to reproduce
The dataset can be reproduced by building the method described in a research conference paper accepted but not published yet titled "Data Retention Disclosures in the Google Play Store: Opacity Remains the Norm" (IWPE24). Please check the proceedings or contact
European Union
Security and Trustworthy Computing Program
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades