Workisa Temesgen

Published: 3 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c52yytk5sj.1
Workisa Temesgen


Executive Summary Poultry production plays a vital role in Ethiopia's economy, contributing significantly to the GDP and employment rates. The sector provides income and food security for many Ethiopians, making it a engine of economic development in the country. The poultry industry in Ethiopia is poised for growth and offers opportunities for further development and investment. By understanding the key characteristics of poultry production in the country and identifying successful practices and also our company and government provides ''Yelemat Tirufat" program that aims to boost productivity and production of dairy, eggs, chicken and honey and related hive products we are also eagerly passionate to play our crucial role in participating the program towards enhancing the sector's contribution to the economy and improving food security for the population. The project is written on the establishment of a poultry farm that will specialize in the production of egg and breeding of broilers for both household and industrial use. The project (firm) will require an initial capital of Br. 1,539,400.00 million that will be used for poultry house construction, purchasing of pullets, buying of equipment, feeds chicks etc. while the payback period is 4.7 year so with all this we can proudly say that this project is feasible and viable. The management team is made up of qualified persons who had working experience and have attended tertiary institution. This project will provide employment the communities and food for the region as well as for Nation.



Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


