A study of GALT9-mediated polarized pectin accumulation regulates differential hypocotyl elongation at the dark-to-light transition. Zhang et al.

Published: 6 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c5pn7r5253.1


The hypothesis is that the Young’s modulus of cell wall is different at the dark to light transition regulated by the HY5-miR775-GALT9 repression cascade. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to measure the modulus on the cell wall of hypocotyl epidermal cells. This data contains all the raw curves for AFM analysis. This data confirms that polarized pectin accumulation mediated by the HY5-miR775-GALT9 repression cascade correlates with rapid asymmetric increases in cell wall rigidity and hence decreases in cell elongation in the light.


Steps to reproduce

AFM indentation experiments were performed with a BioScope Resolve atomic force microscope (Bruker Nano Surface) equipped with a ScanAsyst-Fluid cantilever (Bruker). All quantitative measurements were performed using standard pyramidal tips (radius 20 nm). To scan surface topology and acquire elastic modulus map, Peak Force QNM AFM of the acquisition software was used with peak force frequency at 2 kHz and peak force set-point at 3 nN. The elastic modulus was inferred from the force-indentation curves using the Hertz-Sneddon model under the QNM mode.


Peking University


Raw Materials Substitution
