Results Tables
Published: 8 January 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c5wk6nn4mp.1
Clayton Larkins, , , , , , Description
Geochemical and environmental isotope results from mine water and surface waters collected from the Kittilä mine site, near Kittilä, Finland. This data set is cited in the following article: Larkins, C., Turunen, K., Mänttäri, I., Lahaye, Hendrikkson, N., Forsman, P., Backnäs, S., In Review. Characterization of selected conservative and non-conservative isotopes in mine effluent and impacted surface waters: implications for tracer applications at the mine-site scale. Applied Geochemistry.
Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Aqueous Geochemistry, Isotope Chemistry, Mine Waste