Opportunism SC
Data for the research on opportunism in supply chain
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Researchers and academics typically select the most well-known bibliographic database to identify potential sources for review (Paul & Criado, 2020). The Scopus database was selected as the source for this research because it is the largest abstract and citation database, covering 28,000 peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, social science, medicine, and arts. The search in the Scopus database is restricted to English because of its global readership, and the contribution of other languages to the database is minimal. The subject areas were Business, Management and Accounting, and Decision Science, both representing 51 percent of the retrieved articles when considering all areas. Only journal articles were selected for this study, and conference papers, proceedings, books, and book chapters were excluded. A single combination of keywords was used in the Scopus database search: “(TITLE-ABS-KEY (opportunism) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (supply AND chain).” A total of 149 articles were found on 02 January 2024 from the chosen keyword combination in the Scopus database. The decision not to include additional keywords, such as derived terms, was based on the assessment of two expert searchers, both SC researchers. They concluded that the retrieved article sample was representative of the available literature and adequate for research purposes. Using expert searchers helps to reduce retrieval bias (Durach et al., 2017).