3D-EBSD data and analysis of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated using electron powder bed fusion with a random scan strategy (R3)
This data is a companion to the manuscript '3D Electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods', by Ryan DeMott, Nima Haghdadi, Charlie Kong, Ziba Gandomkar, Matthew Kenney, Peter Collins, and Sophie Primig, currently submitted to Ultramicroscopy. It includes the raw data and code used for analysis of a slightly truncated version of the 'random' dataset which appears in that manuscript as well as DeMott, R., Haghdadi, N., Gandomkar, Z. et al. 3D characterization of microstructural evolution and variant selection in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V. J Mater Sci 56, 14763–14782 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-021-06216-2 and DeMott, R., Haghdadi, N., Liao, X. et al. Formation and 3D Morphology of Interconnected α Microstructures in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Acta mater. In Review. Please cite the above publications and acknowledge the authors if using this data or code in your own work. The files include the raw EBSD scans as a library of .ctf files, the pipeline for reconstructing and analyzing the data using the DREAM.3D software package, and the code used for performing further analysis of the data with the MTEX toolbox for MATLAB. DREAM.3D v6.5.138 , MATLAB R2019b, and MTEX v5.1.1 were the software versions used. RandomCTFFiles.zip contains the library of .ctf files The DREAM3D pipelines include ImportCTFLibrary.json, which generates an H5EBSD file from the ctf library and FullReconstruction.json, which includes all of the steps described in chapter 4 of the manuscript. A new user may find it easier to split it into several shorter pipelines with outputs at each step. The MTEX code folder includes all of the MATLAB functions and scripts used for the analyses described in chapter 5 of the manuscript. AssignBoundaryTypes.m is a function which uses a .dream3d file path and tolerance to classify intervariant boundary types as described in section 5.1 TripleJunctByNodes.m is a script which uses the functions AssignBoundaryTypes.m and TriadPlot.m to classify and plot three-variant clusters in terms of triple junctions as described in section 5.1 (figure 10a) PlotTriads.m is a script which uses the functions findTriads.m, AssignBoundarTypes.m, and TriadPlot.m to classify and plot three-variant clusters in terms of mutally neighboring grains as described in section 5.2 (figure 10b) NewAssignVariants.m is a script for assigning grains to variants as described in section 5.3
See above
Computational Modelling
Objective of the Model | N/A |
Typical Input | N/A |
Typical output | N/A |
Computer System Requirements | N/A |
Simulation ID | N/A |
Patent Title | N/A |
Patent Application | N/A |
AM Sample Data Template
Sample ID | R3 |
Date | 2017-08-01T06:00:00.000Z |
Alloy Type | Ti-Base |
Alloy composition | Ti-6Al-4V |
Alloy certificate | N/A |
Process ID | R3 |
AM Process Data Template
Additive Manufacturing Process | E-PBF |
Process Parameters | Random scan strategy, Layer height 50 μm, build temp 470 C, average particle size 105 ± 45 μm |
Process Date | 2017-08-01T18:00:00.000Z |
Process Description | N/A |
CAD File | N/A |
Process ID | R3 |
Research Process Flow
Process Flow for Additive Manufacturing | N/A |
Process Flow for Ex-situ Characterization | N/A |
Process Flow for In-situ Characterization | N/A |
Process Flow for Computational Modeling | N/A |
Available Software | N/A |
Type | Public Domain |
Contact link | N/A |
Sample ID | R3 |
Publication Title | 3D Electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods |
Citation | DeMott, R., Haghdadi, N., Kong, C. et al. 3D Electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods. Ultramicroscopy. Submitted |
Authors | Ryan DeMott, Nima Haghdadi, Charlie Kong, Ziba Gandomkar, Matthew Kenney, Peter Collins, and Sophie Primig |
User Name | Ryan DeMott |
sprimig@unsw.edu.au | |
University | UNSW Sydney |
Address | Sydney, 2052 |
Acknowledgement | The authors acknowledge gracefully support from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science under the auspices of the AUSMURI program. The authors acknowledge the facilities, as well as the scientific and technical support of the Microscopy Australia node at UNSW Sydney (Mark Wainwright Centre). The authors would also like to thank Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu and Sabina Kumar at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville for providing materials, Andrew Polonsky at The University of California, Santa Barbara for fruitful discussions, and Mike Jackson from BlueQuartz Software for support with the DREAM.3D software package. S. Primig is supported by the Australian Research Council DECRA (DE180100440) and UNSW Scientia Fellowship schemes. For the contributions of M. Kenney and P. Collins, the research is sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under ONR award number N00014-18-1-2794. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Naval Research.” |
Available Hardware | N/A |
Accessibility | N/A |
Contact link | N/A |
Ex-situ Characterization Data Template
Sample ID | R3 |
Process ID | R3 |
Characterization Type | 3D-EBSD |
Characterization Instrument | Thermo Fisher Helios G4 Xe plasma Dual Beam FIB,, Oxford Symmetry detector |
Ex-situ Measurement Details | N/A |
In-situ Characterization Data Template
Sample ID | N/A |
Process ID | N/A |
Characterization Type | N/A |
Characterization Instrument | N/A |
In-situ Data ID | N/A |
In-situ Measurement Details | N/A |