Performance-based design / code - fire engineering

Published: 26 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c5y648crcf.1
Sourabh Chowdhury


Performance based codes as, with a performance of fire safety engineering, design fire scenario’s and design strategies. Performance based codes approach - how a building could see the fire extinguishing in case of fire. The expertise of having the performance based design (PBD) is quite accountable while having a design from prescriptive. Performance based design evaluate how building systems are having their system strategies in conditions, with hazards available. Performance objectives are the acceptable risk of level(s) of countable damage and the losses that occur as a result of this damage. The performance based design objectives are specific and with a strategy in a building, such as safe people during evacuation. The performance approach is, in essence, the practice of thinking and working in terms of ends rather than means. And concerned with what a building or building product is required to do. Performance-based design attributes as an engineering of fire protection based on a. fire safety in the building b. design basis of the building and c. engineering analysis. Evaluating and documenting performance based design seeks the criteria of design(s), and if criteria’s of design change after detailed, it may require a modification. Standards & codes of fire are intended to ensure the health, safety and well-being of people in buildings, to address means of egress, fire safety, hazard identification etc. The model employed in performance-based codes focuses on design outcomes. In other words, a performance based code - approach would identify and quantify the level of damage that is acceptable during and after a fire (design fire scenarios), earthquake or other event(s). The current prescriptive code focuses on solutions that achieve a countable outcome. The difficulty is that the outcome is unclear. Therefore, when a design is proposed that is different from the prescriptive code, it is often difficult to determine whether the approach will be equivalent. There may be other more appropriate and innovative solutions available.


Steps to reproduce

A performance-based code creates a framework that both clearly defines the intent of the code and provides a process to understand quantitatively what the code is trying to achieve. Without this framework, new construction techniques and innovations would be fairly difficult to accomplish and new methods of construction take longer to implement. The development of performance-based codes follows a transparent, process and an overview of individual requirements to have the following steps for the development. • Recognize of code objectives • Numeration of all codes • Counting of safety criteria and factors • Design methodology Performance based codes (PBC) to overcome the inflexibility of specification codes as, 1. A present limitation of performance based fire safety is that it is an evaluation procedure, not a design procedure. 2. Once a design has been formulated, performance measures can be used to evaluate fire safety but the approach does not provide direct guidance on how to develop design concepts. 3. The process takes into consideration the uncertainties inherent in quantifying the frequency and magnitude of potential events and assessing the actual responses of building systems and the potential effects of the performance of these systems on the functionality of buildings. Identifying the performance capability of a facility is an integral part of the design process and guides the many design decisions that must be made. Performance-based design starts with selecting design criteria articulated through one or more performance objectives. Each performance objective is a statement of the acceptable risk of incurring different levels of damage and the consequential losses that occur as a result of this damage. Losses can be associated with structural or nonstructural damage, and can be expressed in the form of casualties, direct economic costs, and loss of service costs. Acceptable methods include any method such as an engineering standard, engineering practice, engineering tool or computer model that has been accepted in a peer review process or has received positive evaluations in a consensus process among qualified engineers, educators and researchers, and that has been validated in its ability to generate outcomes consistent with those claimed by the developer where used in accordance with the appropriate documentation. Safety and reliability factors that are included or are required to be added should be explicitly stated and based on accepted engineering theory, engineering practice or statistics.


Engineering, Fire
