Data for: Origin and geodynamic significance of the Siuna serpentinite mélange, northeast Nicaragua: insights from the large-scale structure, petrology and geochemistry of the ultramafic blocks and Early Cretaceous age of exhumation
Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c65gdjzc4x.1
Javier Escuder-VirueteDescription
Electronic material Appendix B. Summary of 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating experiments of mineral separates Appendix C. Geographical location and representative EMPA major elements compositions of minerals from ultramafic blocks of the Siuna Serpentinite Mélange Appendix D. Representative Laser ablation ICP-MS trace elements analyses of clinopyroxene of the Siuna Serpentinite Mélange Appendix E. Representative whole-rock major and trace element compositions of ultramafic blocks from the Siuna Serpentinite Mélange Appendix F. Representative calculated liquids in equilibrium with clinopyroxene of ultramafic blocks from the Siuna Serpentinite Mélange
Structural Geology, Geodynamics, Igneous Petrology, Igneous Geochemistry, Caribbean