SWAIR project - GNSS receivers TEC
Two GNSS receivers were installed in the Lisbon area starting from December 19, 2019 . First receiver was installed in Lisbon in the Lisbon airport area (coordinates 38°46'46"N 9°8'23"W). This is a Septentrio PolaRx5S with antenna ChokeRing E6/B3 Multi-frequency receiver. Second receiver, a Septentrio PolaRx5 with antenna VeraPhase 6000 similar to the first one, was installed on May 10, 2021 in the area of a small airport in Cascais (38°43'29"N 9°21'14"W). The receivers raw data are processed to extract the total electron content data (TEC) using software developed by the Present Technologies company (Portugal). This TEC data are output of the SWAIR (Space weather and GNSS monitoring for Air Navigation, ARTES IAP Demonstration Projects, ESA ) project, and can be accessible through https://about.swair.ptech.io/ for registered users, under request. In this dataset we present two subsets that contain TEC data for November 2021 and November 2022.
Steps to reproduce
The receivers raw data are processed to extract the total electron content data (TEC) using software developed by the Present Technologies company (Portugal).
European Space Agency
ESA Small ARTES Apps project SWAIR (Space Weather and GNSS monitoring services for Air Navigation)