Implementation of dialogic reading by preservice early childhood educators in Chile

Published: 31 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c6ky3cd5hx.1
Montserrat Cubillos


33 one-on-one dialogic reading sessions were implemented by 14 Chilean preservice childhood educators (PSECEs) in Chile with children aged 1 to 6. Data is in Spanish and has been anonymized. Rows in this dataset correspond to all prompts produced by these PSECEs, a total of 1,289. Columns in this dataset correspond to 1) Preservice early childhood educators (PSECE) ID, 2) Reading dialogic session ID, 3) PSECEs' gender, 4) Children's gender, 5) Children's age in years, 6) Position of prompt within each session, 7) PSCEs prompts while reading with children, 8) Children's answer to each prompt, 9) Number of additional steps from PEER structure followed by PSECEs after each prompt.


Steps to reproduce

Reading sessions were videotaped and transcribed. Information about preservice early childhood educators and children was provided by preservice early childhood educators.


Universidad del Desarrollo


Education, Preservice Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, Reading


Universidad del Desarrollo
