Impact of Prolonged wrist extension as the prevalent cause of wrist pain among Computer desktop workers : A survey study
The study focuses on determining the impact of prolonged wrist extension on wrist pain among computer desktop workers. It is observed that prolonged wrist extension may lead a person to develop wrist pain. Long-lasting wrist pain affects the daily working performance of the users by restricting their activities and ability to cope with the demanding workload. This study was a cross-sectional study. 302 computer desktop workers aged 18 to 60 years participated in an online survey. The study shows that about 85.09% of participants had wrist pain during typing. 12.9% of participants, felt wrist pain in their left hand, 30.4% of participants had pain in both hands and 56.6% of participants had wrist pain in their right hand. The study concluded that wrist pain was prevalent among computer desktop workers. The pain was felt, and symptoms were connected to a particular person and job-related characteristics. With no threshold effects, typing time indicated wrist pain at low exposure levels.
Steps to reproduce
An online cross sectional survey was conducted. Questionnaire was formed and circulated through social networking sites via mail, WhatsApp. Collection of data and its analysis was done. Result was formed.