Supplementary data to the article: A Novel Connectivity Metric of Identified Multi-cluster Fracture Networks in Permeable Formations

Published: 8 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c73y5j36g2.1
Weiwei Zhu


In the folder ShareData: connectivitylargestcluster.txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering no fracture sealing and the central cluster is the largest cluster. connectivitylargestcluster0.05.txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering 5 percent fracture sealing and the central cluster is the largest cluster. connectivitylargestcluster0.1 .txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering 5 percent fracture sealing and the central cluster is the largest cluster. connectivitysmallestcluster.txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering no facture sealing and the central cluster is the smallest cluster. connectivitysmallestcluster0.05.txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering 5 percent facture sealing and the central cluster is the smallest cluster. connectivitysmallestcluster0.1 .txt: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering 10 percent facture sealing and the central cluster is the smallest cluster. map_1-80_connectivitylargestcluster-new: Connectivity metric data for all 80 outcrop maps considering adding one infinitely large fracture at different orientations. resultanalysis.mlx:A Matlab code to plot figures and tables in the manuscript and supporting information.



Geology, Fault
