Effect of Calcaneal Taping on Balance, Gait and Range of motion in Patients with Chronic Stroke
Purpose: The study was planned to determined the effect of calcaneal taping to improve balance, gait and ankle range of motion (ROM) in chronic stroke survivors. Methods: 18 patients with chronic stroke were taken into two groups. Group A received calcaneal taping and Group B sham taping along with conventional treatment for 3 times per week for 4 weeks. Dynamic balance were evaluated by timed up & go test(TUGT); Static balance were evaluated with balance error scoring system (BESS); Gait parameters were measured by foot print method; Ankle ROM were measured with universal goniometer. Measurements for outcomes were obtained at baseline and after the 4 weeks of intervention. Results: TUGT was improved statistical significantly (p<0.05), BESS was also improved statistical significant (p<0.05) and Gait parameters – Cadence, step length & stride length improved significantly (p<0.05) and ankle ROM also improved statistical significant (p<0.05) in group A.