Survey data on the socio-economic characteristics and electric vehicle perceptions of paratransit owners and drivers in South Africa
The survey data contain information on the socio-economic characteristics and intention of electric vehicle (EV) adoption amongst paratransit owners and drivers, to address knowledge gaps and inform policy-making in paratransit electrification. The data were collected by distributing a Microsoft Forms survey questionnaire among paratransit owners and drivers in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The questions in the survey were designed to gain information, and to provide information on the latent constructs of the behavioral framework constructed in “Electric vehicle adoption intention among paratransit owners and drivers in South Africa”. The data were used in the aforementioned paper to shed light on the attitudes, barriers, and enablers to EV adoption in the paratransit sector, providing insights for targeted interventions and promoting sustainable mobility. The data can be re-used for more in-depth studies of, as well as comparative studies assessing the socio-economic profiles and EV perceptions of paratransit owners and drivers in vs. other regions, and longitudinal studies benchmarking changes in EV perceptions in these demographics over time. Comparative studies could identify regional variations, cultural influences, and policy implications for promoting EV adoption in different contexts, and longitudinal studies can assess the effectiveness of interventions, policy changes, or technological advancements on EV adoption in the paratransit sector over time.
Steps to reproduce
To acquire the desired feedback from the paratransit industry, an online survey was developed in Microsoft Forms. The survey was initially distributed across multiple online social-media platforms, but yielded little success. Consequently, field-workers were appointed to go into various taxi ranks in and around the City of Cape Town, Western Cape, to acquire responses in-person. In the demographic portion of the survey, respondents were asked about their gender and age, whether they live in a city/urban or rural environment, what region or province they live in, their income, and whether they drive a taxi, own a taxi, or both. To measure the latent constructs in the theoretical framework, the respondents were asked questions scored on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), except for perception of automobile market trends (PAM), in which the responses to the constituent questions were recorded on a numerical scale. This was done because we were specifically quite interested in gauging respondents' estimates of the number of years it would take for an EV transition to occur. The measurement items within each construct are kept consistent in their scaling so that factor analysis can be satisfactorily performed for the structural equation modeling. The items that make up each construct are available in Table \ref{tab:framework_constructs}.