Thermal stress study

Published: 19 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c7ks6t3nd7.1
Ibraheem Kutty Cholakkal


Gives the data collected for the study on thermal stress extent and impact in crossbred cattle in Kerala in India


Steps to reproduce

Cortisol was assessed in serum samples from cows, collected and stored frozen throughout the study, and subjected to ELISA using kits (Neogen - USA) purchased. Hsp 70 was assessed in serum samples from cows, collected and stored frozen throughout the study, and subjected to ELISA using Bovine specific kits (Chongqing Biospes Co Ltd, China) purchased Microclimate parameters were recorded using a data logger (HOBO) fixed inside the cattle shed and data were retrieved every month Scanning data mainly of ovarian structures were collected by B mode ultrasonography (using Esaote Veterinary scanner, Mylab Delta model fitted with 5 MHz transrectal probe (SV 3513®) ) . The of cows were scanned at weekly intervals at their standing position, facilitated by a movable Trevis fabricated for the purpose


Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University


Physiology, Animal Reproduction, Climatology
