Dataset on RbcL Parkia biglobosa in Nigeria
The data presents genetic intraspecific diversity and population structure of the African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) in Nigeria. A total of sixty-two accessions consisting of three populations from the major agro-ecological areas (AEA) of Nigeria was subjected to PCR amplification and Sanger Sequencing using ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene. Table 1 shows the collection areas and AEAs of P. biglobosa accessions while Figure 1 describes their distribution across Nigeria. Table 2 provides information on the primer sequences used for amplification and sequencing while Table 3 describes nucleotide sequence statistics. The Maximum Likelihood fits of different nucleotide substitution models with the frequency of occurrences of nucleotide bases are summarized in Table 4. Genetic diversity parameters such as the total number of sites, invariable sites, parsimony information sites, the total number of mutations (Eta), number of haplotypes, gene diversity, the variance of haplotypes, nucleotide diversity, the total number of insertion and deletions (InDels) and the total number of InDels events were described on Table 5. The distribution of haplotypes across the 62 accessions of P. biglobosa is presented in Table 6 while multidomain analysis and population structure were described in Table 7. Gene flow and genetic differentiations amongst the different populations of P. biglobosa are presented in Table 8 whereas Table 9 explains the codon usage and amino acids residues of P. biglobosa in Nigeria.
Covenant University