RealLife operating room scheduling dataset, 2021-Jan-May

Published: 6 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c8d342266x.1
Babak Akbarzadeh, Broos Maenhout


This dataset pertains to the Operating Room (OR) log file spanning from January 2021 to May 2021, consisting of 20 instances with weekly planning. The instances are classified into 8 group settings, which are elaborated at very below. For detailed explanations of these settings, please refer to the paper currently undergoing revision in the Journal of OMEGA (A study on policy decisions to embed flexibility for reactive recovery in the planning and scheduling in operating rooms). Within each folder, such as G_1, you will find one Master Surgery schedule compiled from one-year information, along with 20 instances containing 20 solutions each. These solutions comprise 20 surgical case planning solutions and 20 surgical case (re)planning and scheduling solutions. The file indicating the Master Surgery schedule is named [group number] + MSS.xml, and it is important to note that modifying the settings will result in a different annual master surgery schedule. The planning solutions are stored with names using the group and instance numbers as an index, i.e., [group number][instance number]+PLInfo.xml. We have employed the same naming convention for the surgical case (re)planning and scheduling solutions, i.e., [group number][instance number]+rePlnSch.xml. Lastly, the instance file is stored with the name [group number]_[instance number]+DataInfo.xml. Each file contains the initial XML element "description," which demonstrates crucial information related to that specific file. G_1 Open booking percentage= 0 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 0.7 . 0.7 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 2 G_2 Open booking percentage= 0 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 0.7 . 0.7 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 4 G_3 Open booking percentage= 0 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 1.1 . 1.1 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 2 G_4 Open booking percentage= 0 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 1.1 . 1.1 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 4 G_5 Open booking percentage= 0.25 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 0.7 . 0.7 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 2 G_6 Open booking percentage= 0.25 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 0.7 . 0.7 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 4 G_7 Open booking percentage= 0.25 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 1.1 . 1.1 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 2 G_8 Open booking percentage= 0.25 Demand size for each group in different discipline= 1.1 . 1.1 Tactical blocks= 2 Operational blocks= 4



Operating Room Management
