Using conditional independence tests to elucidate causal links in cell cycle regulation in Escherichia coli. Kar et al.

Published: 21 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c8fh8jy78x.1
Prathitha Kar, Sriram Tiruvadi Krishnan, Jaana Mannik, Jaan Mannik, Ariel Amir


The dataset accompanies the publication "Using conditional independence tests to elucidate causal links in cell cycle regulation in Escherichia coli" by Kar et al. The data originates from measurements reported in [S. Tiruvadi-Kirshnan et al., Cell Reports,2022]. The column names 'Tx' correspond to the timings of different events in the cell cycle. Possible values for x are 'ri1', 'rt', 'c', 'n', 'd', 'ri2', and 'ri3' - corresponding to the initiation of replication, termination of replication, the onset of constriction based on the phase image, the onset of constriction based on Ypet-FtsN signal, cell division, initiation in one daughter cell, and initiation in the other daughter cell, respectively. The times are in minutes. Time zero corresponds to cell birth. Negative times correspond to events in the previous cell cycle. The column names "Lx" list cell lengths at different cell-cycle events. Additionally, Lb corresponds to cell birth. All lengths are in micrometers. Pos, Channel, Cell identify a particular cell cycle. Birthfr and Divfr denote the frame when a cell is born and when it divides, respectively. Each frame is 4 mins apart and is relative to the start of the experiment. So, a cell with Birfr = 20 is born 80 min after the experiment has started. Mothcell is the value of the Cell column of the mother cell. The mother cell also must have the same Pos, and Channel as the daughter cell. For thymine mutant, the file is named Figure_6_STK37 as we perform experiments on the STK37 E. coli strain.



Weizmann Institute of Science, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Harvard University


Cell Cycle Checkpoint, Cell Cycle Control, Escherichia coli
