NPS-cognitive impairment

Published: 25 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c8tgddh6bv.1
liu zhiyang


We evaluated the associations between inflammation and cognitive impairment in individuals over 60 and investigate whether vascular risk factors could be responsible for the relationship between NPS and cognitive impairment using the 2011–2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data.


Steps to reproduce

##Download the required documents for the study from the official NAHNES website and pre-process them. ##Remove incomplete data based on NPS epwv and cognitive scores. library(tidyr) nhanes = nhanes %>% drop_na(ePWV) nhanes = nhanes %>% drop_na(NPSgroup) nhanes = nhanes %>% drop_na(AFscoregroup) nhanes = nhanes%>% drop_na(CERAD_immediategroup) nhanes= nhanes %>% drop_na(CERAD_Delayedgroup) ##baseline characteristics library(compareGroups) restab <- descrTable(NPS_group ~ ., data = nhanes, show.all = T) ##Spearman library(ggpubr) ggscatter(nahnes,x="NPS",y="LMR", add="reg.line",,cor.coef=T,cor.method = "pearson", xlab = "NPS",ylab = "LMR") ##Weighted loggistic regression analysis design = svydesign(id=~SDMVPSU,strata=~SDMVSTRA,weights=~Weights,nest=TRUE, survey.lonely.psu="adjust",data=nhanes) model1= svyglm(DSSTscoregroup~NPSgroup+Age+Race+BMI+Education+sex+exercise+FPIR+ smoking+alcoho+HTP+T2DM+failure+CAD+stroke,design = design,family="quasibinomial") ###Mediation analysis set.seed(12345) nahnes$NPSgroup1[nahnes$NPSgroup=="NPS_0"]=0 nahnes$NPSgroup1[nahnes$NPSgroup=="NPS_1"]=1 nahnes$NPSgroup1[nahnes$NPSgroup=="NPS_2"]=2 nahnes$NPSgroup1 = as.numeric(nahnes$NPSgroup1) Y1<-glm(DSSTscoregroup~NPSgroup,data =nhanes,family = 'binomial') Y2<-glm(ePWV~NPSgroup,data=nhanes) Y3<-glm(DSSTscoregroup~NPSgroup+ePWV,data =nhanes,family = 'binomial') library(mediation) med<-mediate(Y2,Y3,treat='NPSgroup',mediator= 'ePWV',boot =T, sims = 100) ##RCS library(plotRCS) rcsplot(data = nhanes, outcome = "ePWV", exposure = "NPS", covariates = NULL)


Public Health
