Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection in Soil Samples CURE Project
These data come from the first iteration of a Course-based Research Project in a first-year, first-semester undergraduate majors biology course at Davidson County Community College, in Thomasville N.C.. The overall theme for this CURE is antibiotic gene detection from soil (environmental) samples, specifically the antibiotic ampicillin. The project follows the protocol (with slight changes) found in Bell et al. 2016, which is available on The file includes soil sample location raw data and map which was originally collected via the website and app for citizen science. The second tab includes the data from the percentage of the surface of ampicillin containing agar in plates that was covered in growth as few plates had few enough colonies to count, and where most were "lawns". There are also associated with the data, some images of soil sample sites and of the plates that showed significant growth. Some of the images still contain the area lines that are the result of using the measuring tool in Adobe Acrobat reader to measure the area of the plate covered in growth, where the measuring tool is calibrated to the 90mm size of the agar plate, and then the area tool is used to measure area and compared to the expected area value based on πr2. The images are hyperlinked to the raw data set and in their own folder which will be uploaded as well to keep the links working properly. The third tab contain the descriptive statistics and results from a Mann-Whitney U test as the data did not meet the assumptions of parametric tests following transformation attempts. These data are free to public, but because of the number of plates out of the total that showed lawn growth, contamination could be possible. These data may be useful to those who are trying this CURE for the first time. A new version of the data set will be uploaded at the end of each academic term (3 times a year). Feel free to visit either the course instructor's website or the project page for current news.
Steps to reproduce
The protocol for this project mirrors what is described in Bell et al. 2016. Its available on the website. It is also available at: