Massively parallel implementation of iterative eigensolvers in large-scale plane-wave density functional theory

Published: 28 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c8v2mx5vn4.1


The Kohn-sham density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful method to describe the electronic structures of molecules and solids in condensed matter physics, computational chemistry and materials science. However, large and accurate DFT calculations within plane waves process a cubic-scaling computational complexity, which is usually limited by expensive computation and communication costs. The rapid development of high performance computing (HPC) on leadership supercomputers brings new opportunities for developing plane-wave DFT calculations for large-scale systems. Here, we implement parallel iterative eigensolvers in large-scale plane-wave DFT calculations, including Davidson, locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG), projected preconditioned conjugate gradient (PPCG) and the Chebyshev subspace iteration (CheFSI) algorithms, and analyze the performance of these algorithms in massively parallel plane-wave computing tasks. We adopt a two-level parallelization strategy that combines the message passing interface (MPI) with open multi-processing (OpenMP) parallel programming to handle data exchange and matrix operations in the construction and diagonalization of large-scale Hamiltonian matrix within plane waves. Numerical results illustrate that these iterative eigensolvers can scale up to 42,592 processing cores with high peak performance of 30% on leadship supercomputers to study the electronic structures of bulk silicon systems containing 10,648 atoms.



Computational Physics, Numerical Algorithm, Density Functional Theory, Kohn-Sham Theory, Plane Wave
