Environmental Instability Triggers: Hazard clusters analysis through geoacoustic data in a large coastal lagoon in southern Brazil

Published: 19 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/c92tvndtz9.1
leandro xavier


The research data presented here are seismic profiles cover anextension of approximately 1,000 km from the Patos Lagoon, divided into three sectors (Northen, Central, Southern). Seismic records were positioned through DGPS (Differential GlobalPositioning System) and acquired with a Geopulse Subbottom Profiler, from GeoAcousticsTM, an analog and digital system that can operate within a frequency range from 2 to 12 kHz. This seismic acquisition system consisted of a Geopulse receiver (5210A), a Geopulse transmitter (5430A), and a transducer (132B, with four elements). After few tests in place to assess the geoacoustic seismic response, a 3.5 kHz frequency acquisition was selected. The seismic data acquiring, and processing were performed using software SonarWiz (Chesapeake Technology), and the data was stored in SEG-Y digital format.



Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Marine Geology
