HASEonGPU—An adaptive, load-balanced MPI/GPU-code for calculating the amplified spontaneous emission in high power laser media
This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2018) Abstract We present an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm for computing the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) flux in laser gain media pumped by pulsed lasers. With the design of high power lasers in mind, which require large size gain media, we have developed the open source code HASEonGPU that is capable of utilizing multiple graphic processing units (GPUs). With HASEonGPU, time to solution is reduced to minutes on a medium size GPU cluster of 64 NVIDIA Tesla K20m GPUs and excellent speedup is achiev... Title of program: HASEonGPU Catalogue Id: AFAM_v1_0 Nature of problem The algorithm described by D. Albach in [1,2] uses ray-tracing techniques and Monte Carlo integration to calculate Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) with high precision. It requires a high number of sampling points as well as a high number of rays to reach the desired results. Additionally, reflections on the upper and lower surface of the medium increase the workload by an order of magnitude. On traditional CPU-based systems the computation is time-consuming, which limits the number of simul ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data AFAM_v1_0; HASEonGPU; 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.019