Injection-induced seismic moment release of acoustic emission during laboratory fault slip

Published: 28 June 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/cbhrs6d8rr.2
Lei Wang


This dataset archived here acts as supplementary material to the study entitled by ‘injection-induced seismic moment release and laboratory fault slip: Implications for fluid-induced seismicity’ by Lei Wang*, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Erik Rybacki, Marco Bohnhoff, and Georg Dresen. This study has been submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters as a research letter in June 2020. The dataset contains the results of the seismic moment and shear deformation moment obtained from two fluid-induced fault slip experiments performed on Bentheim sandstone samples at different fluid pressurization rates. The first file named by ‘Dataset1’ provides the cumulative seismic moment of acoustic emission events and cumulative shear deformation moment derived from fault slip displacement with injected volume and hydraulic energy since fluid injection in tests SC1 and SC2. The second file named by ‘Dataset2_testSC1’ provides the cumulative seismic moment and cumulative shear deformation moment with injected volume since the onset of fault slip during each fluid injection stage in test SC1. The third file named by ‘Dataset3_testSC2’ provides the cumulative seismic moment and cumulative shear deformation moment as a function of injected volume during each fluid injection stage in test SC2. Definition of each column in the data tables is indicated in the corresponding header of the data. The unit for each column is shown in the second row.



Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam


Geophysics, Rock Mechanics, Induced Seismicity
