Data for "Evaluation of the airport runway flexible pavement macro-texture using digital image processing Technique (DIPT)"
Data including: animation of detection by each digital image processing method for sample pavement texture images (rough and smooth(Figure 3 a, b)), raw images and processed images of 33 stations of runways pavement (132 images) by each digital image processing method (1-Butterworth Band-pass Filter Method, 2- Edge Pixels Count Method and 3- Fuzzy Logic Edge Detection Method). Validation of Counting Algorithm (for Fuzzy Logic Edge Detection Method). Derived parameter by three methods (BPF, EPP and FCN parameters) and MTD data for 132 processed Image in (Data.xlsx) file. For details of each method please visit the published paper at:
Steps to reproduce
For a full description of each digital image processing method please visit the published paper at: also MATLAB codes are available upon request.