LeFood-Set: Leftovers Food Dataset

Published: 17 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cchsk79jkt.1
Yuita Arum Sari,


The dataset consists of 524 pairs of Indonesian food images before and after being consumed. The file data_original.xlsx contains the corresponding leftovers food data with the following information. 1. ID: The food category IDs. 2. Name of he food 3. Image Before Eaten: This information is in the form of a file name corresponding to the image of the food before it was eaten. 4. Weight Before Eaten (g): The weight of the food before eaten (using grams as the unit of measurement) represents the weight of the food as measured by digital scales. 5. Image After Eaten: This data is in the form of a file name corresponding to the image of the meal after it has been eaten. 6. Weight after Eaten (g): The weight of the meal after being eaten (using grams as the unit of measurement) represents the weight of the food as measured by digital scales. 7. Visual Estimate by Observer. Representation of leftover food based on the level assessed by a trained observer or skilled trainer based on visual estimation. The level of leftover food is presented in seven levels: -No food consumed at all as level 1 -One bite consumed as level 2 -3/4 food remaining as level 3 -1/2 food remaining as level -1/4 food remaining as level 5 -One bite remaining as level 6 -Zero food remaining (fully consumed) as level 7.



Universitas Brawijaya, Okayama Daigaku


Image Database, Image Analysis (Medical Imaging), Image Classification, Image Analysis of Food
