Data for: Connectivity and larval dispersal pathways of Panulirus argus in the Gulf of Mexico: a numerical study

Published: 20 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cd44yfx6vp.1
Julio Lara-Hernández, Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo


% Matlab script % Developed by Julio Antonio Lara-Hernandez ( % and Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo ( % Ocean-atmosphere interaction group, Center of Atmospheric Sciences, % National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico. % % This script shows that a Turbulent-Difussion velocity (v') can be % equivalently constructed from random numbers of (1) uniform or (2) normal % distributions. It also shows that by setting a = b/sqrt(dt), the effect of % Turbulent-Difussion remains the same regardless the selected time-step (dt): % % (1) v' = Va * Ru % Where: v' = Turbulent-Difussion velocity % Va = Advective velocity (e.g. velocity of an ocean current) % Ru = Random number of uniform distribution from -a to a % a = b/sqrt(dt) % b = User-defined parameter modulating the degree of Turbulen-Difussion % dt = Time-step defined by the user % % (2) v' = Rn % Where: Rn = Random number of normal (Gaussian) distribution with a mean % equal to zero and a standard deviation std_Rn = Va*a/sqrt(3) % % In the resulting graphs after running the script, the central curve % indicates the mean, the upper curve is the mean+std, and the lower curve % is the mean-std. The overlapping of the curves from both approaches % indicates that they are equivalent. Reproducing the same curves by % considering different time-steps shows that setting a equal to b/sqrt(dt) % works to achieve the same effect of Turbulent-Difussion regardless the % selected time-step.



Lagrangian Mechanics, Turbulent Diffusion
