Motivation to volunteer data

Published: 11 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cdrmrp9ym7.1
Habtemariam Kassa Wondimneaw


The purpose of this study was to investigate the joint and independent contributions of power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, universalism, self-direction, stimulation, hedonism, as well as achievement values to the variance in the motivation to volunteer. The data were collected from 153 volunteers at Hawassa, Misrak and Mehal Sub-Cities, who were providing volunteering services in the city. Regression analysis indicated that the three most prominent factors that contributed significantly to the variance in motivation to volunteer were security, universalism, and self-direction. Analysis employing structure coefficients and discriminant analysis, nonetheless, added stimulation and power as important variables in predicting self-interested motivation to volunteer. These results plainly highlighted that the major contributing factors to self-interested motivation to volunteer were self-expressive orientation variables. In other words, volunteers displayed self-interested motivation to volunteer if they were not bothered for the stability of society in their relationships, had no value for the protection of all people, did not want to avoid the threat of uncertainties by controlling relationships or resources and were internally interested in personal judgment and uniqueness. This may have implication to volunteering service institutions in that there is a need of an intervention program intended for encouraging people to develop and to internalize other-oriented value priorities volunteer involvement in volunteering.


Steps to reproduce

Independent Variables 1. Universalism This variable consisted of the volunteers’ sympathy, admiration, tolerance, and safeguard for the welfare of all people and for nature. It was measured by 9 items. 2. Power This variable represented the accomplishment of social status and respect, and control or dominance over people and resources. It was measured by 5 items. 3. Achievement By achievement it was meant that the volunteers’ need of social approval through proving competence in terms of social standards. Measurement of this variable was done using 6 items. 4. Hedonism It pertains to the volunteers’ goal of sensuous pleasure or relish for oneself. This variable consisted of 2 items. 5. Stimulation This variable represented the volunteers’ goal of seeking a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure in life. It refers to the goal of volunteers’ in order them to get excitement, novelty, and challenge in life. Three items were utilized to measure this variable. 6. Self-Direction By self-direction it was meant that the volunteers’ goal for autonomous process of thinking and action, to make a choice about what to do and to look at volunteerism in a careful way to learn about it. It refers to the volunteers’ needs for control and mastery. This variable consisted of 5 items. 7. Benevolence It pertains the volunteers’ concern for the wellbeing of close others in daily interaction. It refers to the protection and enrichment of the wellbeing of people with whom one is in everyday personal contact. Nine items were devoted to measure this variable. 8. Tradition The motivational goal of tradition values is respect, pledge, and approval of the customs and ideas that one’s culture imposes on the individual. This variable consisted of 6 items. 9. Conformity Conformity consists of restraint of actions, preferences, and desires likely to disappoint or hurt others and disrupt social expectations or norms (Schwartz, 1992). Thus, this variable denotes the volunteers’ emphasis on self-restraint in daily interaction, commonly with close others. Four items were devoted to measure this variable. 10. Security This variable signified the volunteers’ goal of agreement, care, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self. This variable consisted of 7 items.


Hawassa University College of Social Science and Humanities


Social Psychology
