The power of neuropeptide precursor sequences to reveal phylogenetic relationships in insects: a case study on Blattodea - Amino-acid matrices

Published: 17 November 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/cdwzkcdcz3.2
Marcel Bläser,


Mafft-linsi assembled amino acid neuropeptide precursor sequences from 41 blattodean and 3 polyneopteran outgroup species; these data are deduced from transcriptome sequence assemblies obtained from the 1KITE project (Genbank Umbrella Bioproject ID PRJNA183205). For Zootermopsis nevadensis (Isoptera), annotated precursor sequences (Veenstra, 2014) were included in the alignments after their annotations were manually checked. Incomplete sequences are indicated with “?”. In total 17 individual neuropeptide precursor alignments are given. Additionally, a concatenated alignment of the complete dataset, a concatenated alignment of signal peptide sequences (calculated using SignalP-5.0) and a concatenated alignment of the remaining precursor without the signal peptide sequence (Propeptide) are given. Furthermore, a concatenated alignment of neuropeptide sequences and a concatenated alignment of the remaining precursor peptide sequences are given. In addition, concatenated alignments of single-copy and multiple-copy neuropeptides are given.



Universitat zu Koln


Neuropeptide, Transcriptome, Phylogeny, Insect Phylogeny
