Fracture characterization of nitrile rubbers using the J-Integral approach: Experimental Data

Published: 29 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cfrccrdb37.1
Sitaraman Krishnan, Monavareh Torabizadeh


Load vs. displacement and CTOD vs. displacement raw data from fracture testing of single edge notch tensile (SENT) specimens reported in the following article. Each file contains data for a given initial crack length. Sample dimensions and initial crack lengths are given in the header rows of each file. L, W, and B are the length, width, and thickness of the SENT specimens; a0 is the initial crack length. Data required to reproduce the crack resistance curves (R curves) are also provided. Torabizadeh, M., Putnam, Z. A., Sankarasubramanian, M., Moosbrugger, J. C., & Krishnan, S. (2019). The effects of initial crack length on fracture characterization of rubbers using the J-Integral approach. Polymer Testing, 73, 327-337.


Steps to reproduce

The CTOD vs. displacement data in the files named CTOD_DISP_UNFILLED_n.csv and CTOD_DISP_FILLED_n.csv can be used to reproduce Figure 7 in the article. "n" in the filename is the sample number The load vs. displacement data in the files named LOAD_DISP_UNFILLED_n.csv and LOAD_DISP_FILLED_n.csv can be used to produce Figures 8a and 9a, respectively. The R curves can be obtained from the load vs. displacement and CTOD vs. displacement data, as discussed in the article. The files named R_CURVE_UNFILLED_n.csv and R_CURVE_FILLED_n.csv contain data that resulted in FIgures 8b and 9b.


Clarkson University


Elastomeric-Based Composites, Fracture
