Daily computing power Bitcoin and Cryto Ethereum
Dataset of the miners and their computing power of the bitcoin and Cryto Ethereum blockchains, the records correspond to the best miners for the years 2017-2021 for bitcoin and 2019-2021 for Cryto Ethereum. The bitcoin data set has the columns "date", "Hashrate", "Miner Name", "Year", for its part the Cryto ethereum has the columns "Date", "Miner Name", "Amount", "total", "share" and "year" This data set is derived from the set https://www.kaggle.com/jventrone/bitcoin-blockchain-data and https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery?_ga=2.32363134.-1350012401.1619381140&pli=1&project=glassy-proton-278704&ws=!1m10!1m4!4m3!1sbigquery-public-data!2scrypto_bitcoin!3sblocks!1m4!4m3!1sbigquery-public-data!2scrypto_ethereum!3sblocks!1m0&d=crypto_ethereum&p=bigquery-public-data&t=blocks&page=table