Dual-complexities based on straightforward neighborhood pixel prediction in pixel-value-ordering framework for reversible data hiding

Published: 13 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cfzvn5b8jd.1
zijing Li


This dataset contains the source code of the manuscript titled "Dual-complexities based on straightforward neighborhood pixel prediction in pixel-value-ordering framework for reversible data hiding" and a test example of the data embedding process. It also contains my implementation of the paper: X. Li, J. Li, B. Li, B. Yang, High-fidelity reversible data hiding scheme based on pixel-value-ordering and prediction-error expansion, Signal Process. 93 (1) (2013) 198–205. You can select your own test image and directly run the "main.m" file.



Data Hiding
